Tips for Getting Your Kids to Take Out the Garbage without Complaining

Posted on: 12 November 2015

Taking out the garbage is never a fun task. If you have kids or teenagers, chances are good that you are more than willing to assign taking the garbage out as one of their chores so that you don't have to do it. However, your kids probably dislike having to deal with the garbage as much as you do. Here are some tips for getting your kids to take out the garbage without complaining.
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4 Alternatives To Throwing Away Your Old Sofa

Posted on: 10 November 2015

An old, outdated sofa can really detract from the appearance of a living room. If you're eager to get rid of your sofa, you might never want to see it again. However, that doesn't mean that this rather bulky piece of garbage has to go to a landfill. If you're looking for some alternatives to throwing away an old sofa, consider the following four ideas: Revamping it You might be able to give your sofa such a thorough makeover that you won't even be able to recognize it afterwards.
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How To Avoid Unnecessary Fees When Using A Dumpster Rental

Posted on: 3 November 2015

Renting a dumpster to help tow away trash can be a great way to help with cleaning your home or preparing for a move, but it can also come with some extra fees you may not have expected. Even with the benefits of renting a dumpster, you need to take some time to prepare for the rental so that you are comfortable with the costs involved. Check Any Rules Regarding What Can be Thrown Away
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Recycling Food Scraps with Composting: Helpful Tips

Posted on: 29 October 2015

Americans throw away tons of food each year, and most of it can be reused for composting, which is an all natural and organic way to provide fertilizer for your garden. If you've considered starting your own compost pile but were not sure where to begin,  you should know that it's an easy process that will help contribute to the planet. Instead of tossing out food with the garbage, you can create a nutrient-rich fertilizer for your plants.
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